Samples Diary
Why Samples Diary?
Sometimes you need to track lab tests accurately, but also be flexible enough – especially for non-GMP tests. nData Samples Diary gives you both. Plus, it is integrated with our other systems, so it streamlines your laboratory workflow.
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What is Samples Diary
Samples diary is a system for specifying and tracking analytical tests. It allows you to define arbitrary analytical methods and their corresponding result structures – so you can track all analytical tests performed on each sample.
The system also allows you to define the assignment of analysts for each method and therefore automatically or manually assign analysts to new requirements.
The system includes support for both single samples and multi-samples, but also for stability tests, allowing you to easily define a stability table for different packaging materials, times and conditions and then the required tests for each of these combinations.
The system is integrated with gRIS where it takes information about projects and batches, with HSE where it takes information about the risks of working with individual molecules and with Whitebook where you can define test requirements directly in the logical structure of the project and also directly display test results.
The system can also be integrated directly with selected laboratory equipment from which it can draw data directly.

List of samples