Why qRIS?
qRIS expands our CRO portfolio to include multi-study project management. If you have many studies, you probably know that managing all the resources for both the clinical and analytical parts of each study is no easy task. That’s where qRIS can help.
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What is qRIS
qRIS is a system for the detailed planning of clinical trials over time, especially with respect to the allocation of resources (personnel, equipment and facilities) in the environment of many parallel studies.
The system uses the same engine as gRIS and thus allows the use of all the tools of effective project management, but it is significantly modified to respect the specificities of the clinical trial environment
The system allows planning of both the clinical and analytical parts of the study, planning of study phases, groups, sub-studies, timelines, budget, capacities, timesheet tracking, milestones and furthermore the economic analysis of the study.
The system is integrated with other CRO systems provided by the company, mainly ISKO and Clinis.